Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11672094).
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11672094).
† Corresponding author. E-mail:
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11672094).
We experimentally study the cavity formation when heated spheres impact onto water at low and high subcooling. The observations present that the formation and appearance of the cavity are affected by the boiling modes and the heat transfer intensity. In the nucleate-boiling regime, a rough cavity can be formed at a rather low impact velocity, while at the same velocity, the cavity formed in the film-boiling regime may have a very smooth interface with a stable vapor layer around the sphere. We discuss the effects of the impact speed, water and sphere temperatures on the stability of the vapor layer. For low subcooled water, the stable vapor layer will be disturbed when increasing the impact velocity, leading to a disturbed cavity. For high subcooled water, the film boiling has a particular boiling model in which the vapor layer around the sphere cannot keep its stability. In this particular film-boiling regime, no cavities can be formed at low impact velocities and only broken cavities can be formed at high impact velocities.
When a rigid body impacts onto a liquid, complex flow phenomena occur, and a splash and cavity can be formed during the impact. The water-entry problems are directly relevant to aerospace, naval, and military applications.[1–3] The presence of a water-entry cavity has a dramatic influence on the structural characteristics and ballistic stability for weapons such as aerial torpedoes and water-entry missiles. The splash and cavity photographs were firstly captured by Worthington et al.[4,5] and Worthington[6] through using single spark photography. They analyzed the effects of impact velocity and liquid density, viscosity, and surface tension on water-entry splash. Since then, extensive experiments have been performed to study the water-entry characteristics of spheres. May[7] investigated the effect of the surface condition of spheres on cavity formation; he found that contaminated spheres can form cavities at much lower impact velocities than clean ones. Aristoff et al.[8] conducted water-entry experiments with low-density spheres, and investigated the influence of deceleration on cavity shape. Duez et al.,[9] Duclaux et al.,[10] and Aristoff et al.[11] investigated the wettability effect on the cavity formation and evolution through using hydrophobic spheres.
Theoretical models have been developed to describe the evolution of cavity shape by Duclaux et al.[10] and Aristoff et al.[11] Duclaux et al.[10] derived a cavity evolution expression in the limit where viscous and capillary effects can be ignored. The theoretical solution predicts the pinch-off depth of the cavity in two different regimes. When the cavity evolution is mainly driven by surface tension rather than gravity, the model given by Aristoff et al.[11] can be used to obtain an approximate expression.
Recent studies have been concerned with finding more details about cavity formation and appearance. Ding et al.[12] investigated the contact-line pinning during the impact of spheres by using a combination of theoretical analysis, simulations, and experiments; Marston et al.[13] focused on the crown splash generated by the impact of spheres, and carried out a detailed study on the buckling instability of the splash.
When a drop of liquid comes into contact with a hot solid, an evaporative vapor film can be formed between the drop and the solid surface if the surface temperature is significantly higher than the liquid’s boiling point. The drop can levitate on the vapor film, which is called the Leidenfrost phenomenon first reported by Leidenfrost.[14] The lowest temperature of the solid surface is called the Leidenfrost temperature. The liquid drop can be sustained for a long time due to the low thermal conductivity of the vapor layer in this Leidenfrost regime, which can also be called the film-boiling regime. When the temperature of the surface drops below the Leidenfrost temperature, the system enters into the nucleate-boiling regime, the vapor layer collapses, and the drop boils immediately.
The boiling and heat transfer characteristics in nucleate-boiling and film-boiling regimes have been investigated by immersing a heated solid sphere into a liquid, observing the cooling process, and measuring the temperature of the sphere through using an inserted thermocouple-probe thermometer.[15–19] In the film-boiling regime, the sphere can be coated by a continuous vapor layer, preventing it from directly contacting the surrounding liquid. The stable vapor layer cannot be easily formed in low temperature water, as reported by Yagov et al.[18] They argued that at high water subcoolings, film boiling exists in a particular boiling regime, which has been demonstrated through extensive experimental studies.[15,20] In this regime, the film is disturbed, and the heat transfer intensity is much higher than that for saturated film boiling.
Gylys et al.[21] and Vakarelski et al.[22] presented that the Leidenfrost effect can be used to reduce the drag of the sphere falling in a liquid. Vakarelski et al.[22] argued that the presence of the vapor layer can make the flow separation point move to the rear hemisphere, leading to the reduction of pressure drag which accounts for most of the total drag in their study. Zvirin et al.[20] investigated the drag and heat transfer characteristics of heated spheres free-falling in saturated and subcooled water after the impacts. Kenning[15] investigated the forced convective boiling around the spheres after the impacts at fixed velocities. They obtained various boiling form pictures for different impact velocities, water temperatures, and initial sphere temperatures. The studies of Zvirin et al.[20] and Kenning[15] showed that the cavities formed by these impacts of the spheres are not considered. Actually, the presence of cavities will influence the heat transfer properties due to the difference in thermal conductivity between liquid and air. The pressure distribution of the sphere will be changed when a cavity is formed, thus leading to the change of resistance. So, it is of great significance to investigate the temperature effects on cavity formation by the impact of a heated sphere.
Marston et al.[23] and Mansoor et al.[24] investigated the cavity formation by the impacts of heated spheres onto a fully fluorinated liquid, perfluorohexane, which has a low latent heat of vaporization and a low boiling point. In this liquid, a stable vapor layer can be formed at low sphere temperatures even at high subcoolings. This has also been demonstrated by Vakarelski et al.[22] and Yagov et al.[17] who used similar liquids. The particular film-boiling regime with high heat transfer intensity found in high subcooled water was not observed in perfluorohexane reported by Yagov et al.[17] The different boiling modes and heat transfer intensity may influence the impact characteristics, and there is no detailed investigation about the temperature effect on the cavity formation in the whole boiling regime.
In the present article, we present the detailed experimental results of a systematic investigation on cavity formation when heated spheres impact onto water at both low and high subcoolings. The impact characteristics are more complicated than those in our previous study,[25] in which we only had a preliminary investigation on cavity formation of heated spheres impact onto cold water (17 °C). In the present article, we investigate the sphere temperature effect on the cavity formation in both nucleate-boiling and film-boiling regimes for various impact velocities, water subcoolings, and initial temperatures of the sphere. We map the cavity regimes in the whole boiling regime. We specifically discuss the cavity instability in the film-boiling regime, in which the vapor layer around the sphere is disturbed or unstable.
A schematic of our experimental apparatus is presented in Fig.
The water was heated by a heating device and stirred with a stirring rod to obtain a uniform water temperature. The spheres were heated to the required temperature and maintained for more than 40 min in a muffle furnace. The spheres were taken out and released by an electromagnet immediately when the water temperature reached the experimental value. The initial temperature of the spheres Ts varied from 30 °C to 500 °C, and the room temperature was 30 ± 2 °C during the experiments; the water temperatures in our experiments were Tw = 30 °C and 60 °C for high subcooled water and Tw = 95 °C for low subcooled water.
A high-speed camera (Photron Fastcam SA-X) was used to record the whole impact sequence at a frame rate of 5000 frames per second. Uniform back lighting was achieved by a group of 6 × 500 W light sources illuminating a diffuser screen. A foreground LED light was used in some experiments to observe the flow conditions on the sphere surface.
A variety of impact velocities were obtained by changing the releasing height of the spheres, and the exact speed of impact, 1.2 m/s < V0 ≤ 5.6 m/s, was determined directly from the video clips. The 30 °C, 60 °C, and 95 °C water have density ρ = 995.6 kg/m3, 983.2 kg/m3, and 961.9 kg/m3, dynamic viscosity μ = 0.8 mPa·s, 0.47 mPa·s, and 0.3 mPa·s, and water-air surface tension σ = 71.2 mN/m, 66.2 mN/m, 58 mN/m, respectively. The impact of the spheres is characterized by three non-dimensional numbers: Froude number
In Fig.
For the room-temperature sphere, a cavity can be formed at larger impact velocities (V0 > 4.2 m/s) as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. Cavities at depth H = 7R0 formed during impacts of spheres with Ts = 30 °C, Tw = 30 °C, V0 = (a) 4.2 m/s, (b) 4.5 m/s, (c) 5 m/s, and (d) 5.6 m/s. |
The cavity formation is related to the movement of the thin liquid film from the water (marked by the arrow in the first frame for both cases). In Fig.
As shown by Duclaux et al.,[10] the cavity can be formed only when the impact velocity is above a threshold value. We can conclude that the threshold velocity for the heated sphere (Ts = 200 °C) is far less than that for the room-temperature sphere.
We observe another cavity formation at low impact speed (V0 = 1.2 m/s) as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 4. Cavities formed during the impact of a sphere at V0 = 1.2 m/s with Ts = 500 °C, Tw = 95 °C at time t = 24.6, 42.6, and 68.4 ms from impact. |
The threshold velocity for room temperature spheres depends on the surface state and the liquid characteristic. The surface state may be changed after heating the sphere to a high temperature, and this might lead to the low threshold velocity for cases shown in Figs.
As shown by Duez et al.,[9] the threshold velocity is proportional to the capillary velocity, defined as σ/μ. The water–air surface tension σ and the water dynamic viscosity μ decrease as the water temperature increases, and μ decreases at a larger rate, which leads to the increase of the capillary velocity. Thus, the threshold velocity for room temperature spheres will be high for high temperature water. We carry out experiments on the impacts of room-temperature spheres onto 60 °C and 95 °C water. We find that the cavity cannot be formed below the impact velocity of 4 m/s. So, the changes of water characteristics are not associated with the low threshold velocity.
Since the low threshold velocity cannot be due to the change of surface state and water characteristic, we suspect that it is a consequence of vaporization of water on the surface of the spheres. We present the surface vaporization states: Fig.
When a sphere with moderate temperature is immersed into water, nucleate boiling will occur around the sphere.[15] We also observe vapor bubbles generated by nucleate boiling on the surface, as shown in Fig.
A coarse sphere has a low threshold velocity compared with a smooth sphere.[5] Both the coarseness of the sphere surface and the disturbance of the vapor bubbles can enhance the turbulence of the flow. Both coarse spheres and heated spheres with moderate temperatures can form cavities with rough walls. The rough cavities can also be formed at low velocities by impacting the spheres coated with viscous liquids due to the surface disturbance of the liquid layers reported by Bell[26] and May.[7] We suspect that the low threshold velocity shown in Fig.
When a sphere with a high temperature (far above the boiling temperature) is immersed into water at low subcooling, film boiling occurs and a continuous vapor layer can be formed around the sphere.[15] This vapor layer is also observed in Fig.
A drop of water hitting a solid surface may bounce, provided that the surface is highly hydrophobic. As a similar situation, when the drop hits a very hot solid, a thin layer of vapor will be generated between the drop and the solid and may make the drop rebound.[27] We suspect that the vapor layer may have some similar properties to those of hydrophobic materials. From Fig.
A cavity can be formed at a low impact velocity for a hydrophobic sphere relative to a hydrophilic sphere.[9,10] We compare the impact of a superhydrophobic sphere onto 30 °C water (Fig.
The superhydrophobic sphere is prepared by using the methods given by Vakarelski et al.[16] with a commercially available coating agent (Glaco Mirror Coat Zero, Soft 99 Co.). The advance contact angle is about 170° and the receding contact angle is close to 160°.
The thickness of vapor layer increases as the temperatures of the sphere and water increase.[29] The initial temperature of the sphere shown in Fig.
The cavity appearances for the two impact processes shown in Fig.
In Fig.
With the increase of the sphere’s initial temperature, vapor bubbles begin to gather together, leading to the transition from nucleate boiling to film boiling. When the sphere’s initial temperature reaches to 300 °C, film boiling occurs and a vapor layer is formed on the surface of the sphere. The boiling intensity weakens due to the low thermal conductivity of vapor, and only a few small bubbles can be seen around the vapor layer. As the sphere temperature is not high enough, the vapor layer is unsteady. We cannot fully understand why the unsteady vapor layer leads to a cavity not fully developed as shown in Fig.
A drop may rebound when hitting a heated surface if the vapor (generated by vaporization) pressure overcomes the drop’s dynamic pressure. The dynamic pressure of the drop is determined by We and the increase of the surface temperature can raise the vapor pressure. Thus the Leidenfrost temperature will increase with We increasing.[28,30,31] So the Leidenfrost temperature rises with the velocity increase of the drop for a specific liquid. Vakarelski et al.[29] also presented that the Leidenfrost temperature for a sphere falling through water is higher than that for a static sphere. They argued that the shear stresses induced on the vapor layer may cause the vapor layer to be unstable. In our experiments, we find a similar phenomenon: the destabilization of the vapor layer leads to an unstable cavity formed by the impact of a 350 °C sphere when increasing the impact velocity to 3.4 m/s, as shown in Fig.
In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. Cooling process of a 400 °C sphere in 60 °C water at time t = 1.84, 30.07, 30.08, and 30.35 s after the sphere has immersed into water. |
In Fig.
In our experiments, no cavities are formed by the impact of heated spheres with initial temperatures higher than 300 °C onto high subcooled water (Tw = 30 °C, Tw = 60 °C) at an impact velocity of 1.2 m/s. When increasing the impact velocity, in some cases, cavities are formed due to the influence of the velocity. However, none of the cavities can be fully developed and will break into fragments. In Fig.
The nucleate-boiling and film-boiling regimes in the cooling progress are usually distinguished by the heat transfer intensity determined with the temperature of the sphere measured by an embedded thermal couple.[16–18] The heat transfer intensity of nucleate boiling is usually an order of magnitude higher than that of film boiling. While high heat transfer intensity is also found for spheres whose temperature is far above the critical temperature of water.[20] According to the classic theory of homogeneous nucleation, under these conditions the liquid–vapor phase transition occurs practically instantly, where the characteristic time is on the order of ns. The nucleate boiling cannot occur under such conditions reported by Yagov et al.[18] and it is referred to as a particular mode of film boiling. The low heat transfer intensity exists only in stable film-boiling regime with a stable vapor layer around the sphere. There is no stable film-boiling regime for Tw = 30 °C and Tw = 60 °C by the impact of heated spheres in our experiments. When the temperature of the sphere is above 300 °C, vapor fragments or an unstable vapor layer may be formed on the surface. The broken cavities may be due to the high heat transfer intensity and the disturbance of the vapor layer or vapor fragments.
![]() | Fig. 11. Dual cavities formed during the impacts for (a) Tw = 30 °C, Ts = 260 °C, and V0 = 1.2 m/s, (b) Tw = 30 °C, Ts = 280 °C, and V0 = 2.5 m/s, and (c) Tw = 95 °C, Ts = 350 °C, and V0 = 4.5 m/s. |
In Fig.
![]() | Fig. 12. Evolutionary process of a dual cavity by the impact of a sphere for Tw = 30 °C, Ts = 280 °C, V = 5.6 m/s, at time t = 3.2, 7, 11.6, and 23.4 ms from impact. |
The dual cavity formed in the film-boiling regime is similar to that in the nucleate boiling regime. The vapor is disturbed by the impact with bubbles around it before the formation of the dual cavity, and the location of the contact line is also at the top hemisphere surface. Then the vapor layer becomes stable and a very smooth dual cavity can be formed. The bottom hemisphere is covered by the vapor layer, no contact line can be found for this case, as shown in Fig.
The transitions between different cavity features shown in the previous sections are summarized in Fig.
The distribution characteristics of impact features for 95 °C water are different from those for 30 °C and 60 °C water due to the different heat transfer and boiling characteristics for high subcooled and low subcooled water. The distribution characteristics of cavity properties are similar for 30 °C and 60 °C water, and from Fig.
Like cold spheres, when the vaporization effect is not obvious in the film-boiling regime, cavities can only be formed at high impact velocities (see the data points in the first columns for these three different water temperatures). The minimum initial temperature of the sphere for a full cavity at an impact velocity of 1.2 m/s decreases with the increase of water temperature. As described in Subsection
Dual cavities can only be formed in a small temperature range for all water temperatures. For Tw = 30°C and 60 °C, the temperature range is between 250 °C and 300 °C in the nucleate boiling regimes. The dual cavities are found to be formed at low impact velocities for low sphere temperatures and at high impact velocities for high sphere temperatures. For Tw = 95 °C, the dual cavity is formed under the condition of film boiling when the initial temperatures of the spheres are above 300 °C.
For 95 °C water, the full cavities are formed in the whole range of initial sphere temperatures. The cavity formed at an impact velocity of 1.2 m/s for Ts = 300 °C is incomplete, and the heat transfer is in the transition stage between nucleate boiling and film boiling. Smooth cavities can be formed when the initial sphere temperatures are beyond 300 °C at low impact velocities (e.g., Figs.
Pinch-off (deep closure) is an important characteristic for cavity dynamics. The high-speed camera is set to have a small field of vision to obtain the highresolution snapshots. So, we can obtain none of the positions of the spheres when pinch-off occurs at high impact velocity. Here, we just investigate the pinch-off time, τ, when pinch-off occurs at one point, hence we can obtain the precise values. In accordance with Duclaux et al.,[10] the pinch-off time is nearly independent of the impact velocity for our experiments, so we use the same symbols for different impact velocities with the same temperature of spheres and water.
The pitch-off time is nearly independent of both the initial sphere temperature and the water temperature, as shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 14. Pinch-off time versus initial sphere temperature for Tw = 30 °C (□), 60 °C (☆), and 95 °C (+). The dashed line indicates the mean value from the data sets. |
The initial radius of cavity expansion is equal to the sphere radius when the contact line is located at the sphere equator. For most cases, the contact line is pinned at the sphere equator after the impact, as in most cases in our experiments. So the sphere radius R0 is usually used to represent the initial cavity radius in the expression,
We have summarized observations from an experimental study on cavity formation during water entry of heated spheres. The results show how the temperature of the sphere affects the cavity formation for both low and high subcooled water. In the nucleate-boiling regime, we observe a rough cavity formed at a very low impact velocity. At the same impact velocity, a very smooth cavity can be formed in the film-boiling regime with a stable vapor layer around the sphere for 95 °C water. It is most likely that the formation of the rough cavity is due to the disturbance of the vapor bubbles and the formation of the smooth cavity is due to the hydrophobic effect of the vapor layer. We compare the impacts of a cold superhydrophobic sphere and a heated sphere in the film-boiling regime, and find that their cavity appearances are extremely similar. The regular ripples on the cavity interface can be seen if the vapor layer has a large thickness. In high temperature water, large bubbles can be formed in the nucleate-boiling regime, which leads to violent disturbance. In this case, a rough cavity can be formed at low impact velocities with a relatively low initial sphere temperature.
We summarize our observations in V0–Ts space for different water temperatures. The distribution characteristics of cavity features for 95 °C water are different from those for 30 °C and 60 °C water due to the differences in heat transfer and boiling characteristic between high subcooled and low subcooled water. For low subcooled water (95 °C water), the full cavities can be formed in the whole range of initial sphere temperatures. The stable vapor layers formed around the spheres in the film-boiling regime can be disturbed by high impact velocities, which leads to disturbed cavities. When increasing the initial sphere temperature to a high value, the stable vapor layer and smooth cavity can also be formed at high impact velocities. For high subcooled water (30 °C and 60 °C water), neither the stable vapor layer nor the smooth cavity can be formed in our experiments. The film boiling has a particular model with high heat transfer intensity. In this case, no cavity can be formed at low impact velocity and only a broken cavity can be formed at high impact velocity.
At the beginning of some impacts in nucleate-boiling or film-boiling regimes, the cavity-sphere contact line is located at the top hemisphere surface and the bottom hemisphere surface is covered by a number of bubbles or a disturbed vapor layer with bubbles around it. The bubbles can be merged with the upper cavity, leading to the formation of a dual cavity.
The pitch-off time is nearly independent of both the initial sphere temperature and the water temperature in our experiments. We find pitch-off time
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